One to one training…….


Are private lessons right for you?

In almost all circumstances, one-to-one lessons are the way to start. Even if moving into group situations is your ultimate goal, individual training with you and your dog will give you the basics of training that you need.

All training and behavioral work can be done in our private lessons. There’s no aspect of life with your dog, or any of your training desires that we can’t deal with in these sessions.

If you’re concerned about any behavioral issues your dog may have, and would like further information about how we can deal with these, have a look at this link for more information, and feel free to contact me if you’d like to have a chat.


How many lessons will I need?

This is a common question. The answer depends on so many factors that it’s impossible to give an honest answer. Generally, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and a package of 5 lessons represents good value and is a good place to start. You have continued support throughout the lessons and beyond.

If you have any doubts as to what would be best for you, drop me a call or a message via the contact page, and we can discus it.

Equally if you’d like to try out a single lesson before proceeding with a package, that’s available for you too.


What do I need for private lessons?

Just a hungry dog, and enough treats to get you through a busy hour of training. Any equipment, leads, harnesses etc that you use with your dog should be available, along with anything relevant to the training you’d like to work on, ie. crates etc.

My training methods are fun, interactive, and a good time will be had by all, especially your dog! Expect him to be pretty tired after a session. It’s hard work, all the learning they’ll be doing!

Booking your private lessons couldn’t be easier. Click on this link to book your time and day.

To book an appointment for a one to one lesson or a package, please click here.

By booking a training product with KDTA you agree to be bound by our Terms and Conditions as set out in the page linked below.

Terms and Conditions.
