Behavioral problems can be very worrying, but I can help!


Behavioral issues in your family pet can be a challenging thing to come to terms with. But you're here, reading this page, which is a good start. Good dog owners know that they need the help of a trainer at times, but they also treat their dog as a member of the family. You may feel quite personal about having someone else tell you about your dog, who you know and love better than anyone else. It's funny, if your car broke down you wouldn't take it personally when a mechanic tells you what's wrong with it, but dogs are different. Just keep in mind that you're taking steps to improve your life with your dog and your dog's life with you. It isn't your fault and it isn't personal. 

Behavioral, or as I prefer, "emotional response" issues present themselves in ways that can be very worrying for an owner. Are you worried about aggression, towards people, other dogs, strangers? Does your dog guard food or toys or people? Maybe your dog displays nervousness, anxiety or fear, and sometimes acts on these feelings. 

Some behavioral issues are simply inconvenient and make life difficult, like damaging objects in the home, barking whenever the doorbell goes, over friendly greetings or excessive barking. 

We specialized in these and many other cases, where emotional responses lead your dog to undesirable behaviors. Don't worry, and don't do it alone. We can help you and your dog to navigate these issues in a constructive and positive way. You'll learn about your dog, and what drives their behavior. With environmental management and reward based training at the heart of my methods, any issue can be improved upon, if not solved completely. 

Initially, get in touch with me for a chat. We’ll undoubtably be looking at one to one training in the first instance. More information about this can be found here.
