General Terms and Conditions.

All training products are offered by KDTA in good faith, and with best intentions. We are qualified and insured canine professionals with many years of training experience, and work using tried and trusted training methods. We engage in regular continued professional development, and always strive to use modern methods, proven to give the best results possible. Your individual results will depend on many things, including how much time you are able to put into your dog’s training, how well you master the training methods taught, and the genetics, experiences, environment, health and history of your dog. Your dog will be honestly assessed during the training process, and any limitations of training and the likely level of training or behavior alteration you can expect to accomplish will be discussed during training sessions. Training benefit is mostly gained from training between lessons carried out by the handler/owner. No responsibility will be taken by KDTA for your dog’s individual results, or behaviors following training with us. No cancellations or refunds will be offered where your dog’s progress is not as you expected. Please discuss any concerns you may have with your trainer.

We will undoubtedly be feeding your dog plenty of high value reward items during training. It is your responsibility to inform the trainer of any allergies, intolerances, or digestive issues prior to training. If your dog experiences any digestive symptoms such as runny stool after training, please let us know so we can alter the type of food rewards offered during future sessions.

Occasionally it may be highlighted that physical or medical problems with your dog may either be the cause of behavioral issues, or may either limit the benefits of training, or cause undue stress or discomfort to your dog while training. If this is the case you are required to have your dog examined by a qualified and licensed veterinary professional before training can continue.

All lessons and products once booked can not be refunded. If you are in doubt as to which of our training options would best suit your needs, please contact me before booking.

Package of 5 private lessons.

By purchasing a package of lessons you agree to the completion of five lessons. This agreement may not be cancelled, and no refund will be offered for lessons not used apart from for reasons such as the pet passing away, or your relocation abroad.

All lessons are to be booked using your certificate code through the scheduling system on this website.

Lessons are to be used within a 10 week period from booking, unless a pause in training is agreed with the trainer to benefit the animal and promote a better result from training.

Package of 5 private lessons / single private lessons / puppy 1-2-1 lessons.

You may rearrange lessons up to 48 hours prior to the booked lesson via the website, and up to 24 hours before the lesson by contacting me personally. Lessons cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will be deducted from your package in the case of a package booking, or charged in full in the case of a single booking.

In rare instances I reserve the right to reschedule lessons with at least 24 hours notice, offering an alternative lesson slot within 7 days of the originally booked lesson. If this lesson slot is not suitable for you, you can reschedule online for any available slot.

If I am forced to cancel a lesson with less than 24 hours notice this will be for unforeseen and unavoidable reasons such as vehicle break down, illness or injury, weather conditions etc. If any such situation were to arise you will be informed as soon as possible, and your lesson will be rescheduled for a slot within 7 days.

Due to varied distances of travel between lessons, your lesson may start 15 mins before or after your booked time. Please allow for this when booking time slots.

Your lesson will last for between 45 mins and 1 hour generally. Depending on the training being carried out, and your dog’s comfort and engagement levels, training sessions may sometimes be shorter. Your dog’s comfort and stress levels will be monitored throughout the session, and if it is in your dog’s best interests to close a session early then we will.

Puppy, and Puppy Follow on Courses.

Puppy course places, once booked, are non-refundable. You may, with a minimum of 2 weeks notice before the commencement of the course, defer your place to the next available course.

Very occasionally a group situation may prove to be overwhelming for your dog, and not the best environment for them to learn. KDTA take no responsibility for the suitability of your individual dog for the training product you choose to book.

If it is detrimental to the health and happiness of your dog to be included in group lessons, at the discretion of the trainer, you may be offered the option to use any remaining credit from the group class package towards private lessons. No refund will be offered.

Boarding Train Terms and Conditions

Boarding train dogs very much live as part of my household, and are treated as one of my own for the duration of their stay.

Collection and drop off from your home is included with all boarding trains.

You will need to provide enough food for your dog's stay, as well as their usual walking setup, and their bed, and crate if they have one. Please also provide any medication your dog is taking, as well as instructions on dosage, frequency etc.

Please let me know if your dog has any allergies or medical issues that you're aware of.

Payment is preferred by way of booking via the website. If would like an alternative payment method please let me know.

For bookings more than 1 month in the future, 50% of the payment is required to book, and the balance is required at least 1 week before the start of your dog's stay. For bookings starting within 1 month of booking, full payment is required to secure your dates. Due to the huge amount of time that is required to be set aside for boarding trains, payment for boarding trains is unfortunately non-refundable, and no time will be set aside for your dog's training until payment is recieved. Late payment may affect how much time I am able to give to your dog, and failure to pay the full balance before your dog's stay may result in your dog not being collected on time with their board being shorter than booked. In such cases no refund of any partial payments made will be offered.

All training is offered in good faith, with awareness that all dogs are different, and progress made during a boarding train will vary depending on the individual animal and the issues we are working on.

Boarding train is never a substitute for training being carried out in the home. It is designed to make initial progress for particularly difficult cases, to build tools in your dog that will assist in your training once home, and/or to provide a fuller understanding and assessment of your dog's training requirements than is possible in a short time in your home.

If I feel at any time that your dog is overly stressed, that the stay is having a detrimental effect, or that training progress has been exhausted, then boarding trains may be cut short, with private lessons offered to complete the process.

Videos, pictures and information about your dog's training progress may be used in advertising, such as social media etc. If you would like to opt out of this, please let me know.

During their stay I will provide you with video and text updates as to their progress in training and how they are doing generally. I'm very happy for you to contact me any time during their stay for additional updates.

By booking any training product with KDTA, you agree to the Terms and Conditions on this page as they relate to the product you have booked. .